Software Bloat


The evolution of software is one of the greatest achievements in the world of technology. There are instances where we can encounter issues with the software itself and in turn cause trouble to both the device and the data on it.

Software mainly determines the order in which the operations are executed and which operations should be carried out. It can be referred to the heart of an electronic device.\

Software bloat is a terminology that causes a huge threat to the software version installed or worked on. An established software runs normally under certain characteristics and hardware requirements. Generally, bloatware is a term which has all unwanted programs or software installed that is of no use and can cause complications at the end.


The whole part of the software is not being used all the time. Only certain functions that are carried out regularly uses specific set of programs within the software to carry out its operations. The part of the program or software that is not used undergoes a software bloat which reduces the speed of the system or device and takes up a huge space of memory.


The phenomenon of software bloat can also be resulted from feature creep, where new features are worked up on an established software to improve the efficiency and take it to the next level.
The programs that are being used depend entirely on the users and developers. They decide which part of the program can help develop and what suits them best.


Earlier, the storage capacity was small and hence every MB of data mattered but ever since the evolution of new disks and at extremely low costs the developers really don’t worry about the space.


Sometimes there is an issue that the software used by the developer is not compatible with the hardware that is being used and it can cause software bloat too. This makes the software to respond slow or not respond at all.


Always remember that when we have an idle software it is very easy for virus to attack it and cause huge complications. Make sure you have an antivirus installed always.

Visit us at IVITER if you have an issue with your device. With experienced technicians, we can help you identify the severity and provide a top-quality solution to it keeping all your data and programs intact.


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